Paradigm shifts disrupt the status quo, destroy outdated ideas and open the way to new possibilities. This workshop
explores deficiencies of current computer security paradigms and examines radical new models that address those
deficiencies. Previous years' workshops have identified problematic aspects of traditional security paradigms and
explored a variety of possible alternatives. Participants have discussed alternative models for access control,
intrusion detection, new definitions of security, privacy and trust, biological and economic models of security
and a wide variety of other topics. The 1998 workshop will strike a balance between building on the foundations
laid in past years and exploring new directions.
The workshop will offer a creative and constructive environment for approximately 25 participants. It will be held
at the Boar's Head Inn in the vicinity of "historic" Charlottesville, Virginia.
Because of the workshop format, the organizers urge submitters to arrange to be present for entire three day program. The author's ability to attend for the duration of the workshop will be considered when evaluating submissions for acceptance.
Dress is casual. The tone of the workshop is exploratory rather than critical. The refereed papers will be published in a workshop proceedings.
Additional information about the locale of the workshop can be found at:
The Workshop Site - The Boarshead Inn
Thomas Jefferson's own University of Virginia
A large list of Charlottesville links
Jefferson's Home
Information about prior year's workshops can be found at:
NSPW '97 proceedings are being published by ACM and should be available
in May. ACM also published NSPW '96 proceedings. Copies may be purchased
from them. Mary Ellen Zurko also has a limited
number of copies available.
Previous years proceedings were published by IEEE.
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