Inn at Laurel Point
Victoria, BC, Canada
September 15-18, 2014
The New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW) invites papers that address the current limitations of information security. By encouraging participants to think “outside the box” and giving them an opportunity to interact with open-minded peers, NSPW seeks to foster paradigm shifts in the field of information security. NSPW is a highly interactive venue, with informal paper presentations, lively, extended discussions, shared activities, and group meals, all in the spectacular setting of Laurel Point in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada from September 15-18, 2014.
Most of the papers accepted to NSPW push the boundaries of science and engineering beyond what would be considered mainstream in more traditional security conferences. We are particularly interested in perspectives that augment traditional computer security, both from other areas of computer science and other sciences that study adversarial relationships such as biology, economics, and the social sciences.
Further information on the workshop can be found on the following pages: