San Carlos, Costa Rica
September 23-26, 2019
The New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW) seeks embryonic, disruptive, and unconventional ideas on information and cyber security that benefit from early feedback. Submissions typically address current limitations of information security, directly challenge long-held beliefs or the very foundations of security, or discuss problems from an entirely novel angle, leading to new solutions. We welcome papers both from computer science and other disciplines that study adversarial relationships, as well as from practice. The workshop is invitation-only; all accepted papers receive a 1 hour plenary time slot for presentation and discussion. In order to maximize diversity of perspectives, we particularly encourage submissions from new NSPW authors, from Ph.D. students, and from non-obvious disciplines and institutions.
In 2019, NSPW invites theme submissions around “Social manipulation through technology” next to regular submissions. Recently, a new type of concern is emerging in the cybersecurity community: how should the field deal with the possibility of manipulating societies or subgroups within a society via information and communication technology (e.g. trolling, fake news, election manipulation)? What are new paradigms that could help in this context? Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
- What are the motives, origins and characteristics of such manipulations?
- What are the effects on social systems in terms of culture, politics, communication, media, trust, power?
- What can and should our field do, if anything, to safeguard the values embedded in our societies against such manipulations?
- How do current technical and social arrangements enable or facilitate manipulation?
- What new technical or social protections might we put in place? What new social media could help, or hurt?
For the theme, we particularly invite cross-disciplinary submissions that may be having trouble finding the right venue, and submissions (co-)authored by social and political scientists.
NSPW 2019 will be held at Hotel Tilajari in San Carlos, Costa Rica. As in the past, this choice of venue is designed to facilitate interactions between the invited attendees throughout the workshop.